Tweet Asha got off the Continental Boeing 747 with a constipated stomach and a flutter in her heart. She had just crossed the proverbial seven seas over a fifteen hour non stop flight from New Delhi. She was in America. The past two weeks had been a whirlwind. She had met Ravi on 20th...
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Indians Abroad
H4 Wives
Its a Small World
Tweet You stupid FOB. Who the hell asked you to come to this country? You dumbasses from India take away from all the hard work we put into getting accepted in this country. You stink. Your India stinks. Akhil kept listening as AJ lashed out at his Indianness. AJ was Indian. Kind of. His...
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The Sikh-th Sense

Tweet Ever since 9/11 happened seven years ago, we have seen several hate crimes committed against Sikhs, ostensibly due to the much portrayed image of the Taliban supremo. People have historically committed mistakes in identifying/recognizing people, but what do you do when Sikhs start being called Arabs? Of course, why all Arabs should be...
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Great Wall of Terror
Tweet It all started when some not so creditable people were allowed to take loans to buy them homes. Down the line, some of them started defaulting on their mortgages. Suddenly banks were competing with each other in writing off billions of dollars of assets. Bear sterns went down. Lehman Brothers went down. AIG...
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Visa Power
Tweet The American Dream may start anywhere - college, well-to-do siblings, parental pressure, but eventually it has to make a mandatory stop to get a colorful stamp in the passport. Its the american visa, and many a bright soul has spent sleepless weeks, months even, going through and fearing that ordeal. Here’s how it...
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Sadda Vicky
Tweet Sadda Vicky… are baba apna Vikram Pandit. You don’t know him? He just became the CEO of Citi Group, known in Industry circles affectionately as Shiti Group. Another Indian does the country proud! haha…its funny when the media just jumps in on the achievements of Indians wherever they are. But then, at least...
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Bollywood comes to Hollywood
Tweet First there was American Idol, and then came along America’s Got Talent. Watch Kashif Memon tear apart Hrithik Roshan and still get through the opening rounds of America’s Got Talent. This guy is a Pakistani living in the US. As part of his act he performed the Ik Pal Ka Jeena dance. The...
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Tweet Akhil was two months old in America. He was a FOB (Fresh Off the Boat). Even though he flew in from NewDelhi. No Boat involved. All Indians around him, even the ones who had been in the US for years were FOBs. They would remain so till, well, forever. Along the way, they...
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Take It Easy
Tweet Akhil was confused. He had just been told to take it easy by his fellow Teaching assistant Mike ‘Belly’ Smith, and was not too sure what it was supposed to mean. He had finished his weekly session teaching eighteen year old American kids how to save documents in word, as part of his...
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Going to America
Tweet Going to America. The song was set on an infinite loop in Rajiv’s mind, and had played out about ten thousand times in the last two days. He was after all, going to America. That though couldn’t happen till he finished packing. Which would be once his mom was done stuffing fifteen packs...
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Happy Holi!
Tweet The alarm went off at exactly 7:30, just like everyday. But it was a Saturday and there was no office today. Akhil slapped his heavy fist on the snooze button of his Chinese alarm clock he had bought from the dollar store last week. Damned alarm. Ten minutes later he woke up with...
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Dosas Conquer Newyork
Tweet Thiru Kumar, who runs a roadside dosa cart at Newyork’s Washington Square South won this year’s Vendy Award for New York’s best street food at Tompkins Square Park on Saturday. Standing at a golf cart-sized kitchen, Thiru “Dosa Man” Kumar made his signature pondicherry dosas to order, spreading dollops of batter over the...
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NewYork says ‘Vande Mataram’
Tweet American girls sing Vande Mataram to Siva Mani’s beats at the conclusion of the Incredible India festivities in Newyork. Call it symbolic, call it hyperbole, call it whatever, but we were Impressed. We had the worst seats in the house, so the video isn’t much to look at. But it’s meant to be...
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Incredible India!
Tweet A four day event called Incredible India! kicked off in Newyork today. This event is an attempt to showcase India to America, and will comprise several business meets, panel discussions, and cultural events. <Update: Pictures lost in the move from WordPress> If you missed today’s events, there’s still three days to go, and...
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India Comes to Newyork
Tweet We have been seeing a lot of India in Newyork these days…wonder why? <Update: Pictures lost in the move from WordPress>
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