Tweet Arpit was going crazy. He hadnt posted in weeks. He spent the entire day thinking about the next post. The outline was ready. “This will be the best post ever. As soon as i get home…” He got home at 10. Exhaustion took over and soon he was snoring. The blog would have...
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Short Stories
55er - Desperate Blogger
Ministry of the Common Man
Tweet Ravi Masoor was an ordinary man. After a lifetime of public service as a postmaster, he switched to a career in politics. He did well, and by a quirk of destiny and the complexities of coalition politics he ended up becoming India’s external affairs minister. Unlike his cabinet colleagues, Masoor declined all official...
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The Travails of an India Returnee
Tweet Rajesh, one of Akhil‘s closest buddies from grad school, recently quit his job at a Midwestern technology firm to move to this top tier tech company in Bangalore. Akhil managed to catch him on Yahoo messenger during one of his late nights at the office, and thought he’d share some news that would...
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H4 Husbands
Tweet Asha and Ravi were a happy couple. After an agonizing year and a half of misery living as an H4 wife, Asha had finally got her H1 visa. She had found a job with a high school in New York city who filed for her H1 visa. She was lucky and the visa...
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American Dream/Desi Consulting

Tweet As the air hostess handed over the immigration forms, Rajat felt a daze from the blood rushing to his head. His dream was coming true, at last. Ever since he had gotten into engineering and heard all those stories of Indians going to America to live out their american dream, he had had...
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H4 Wives
Tweet Asha got off the Continental Boeing 747 with a constipated stomach and a flutter in her heart. She had just crossed the proverbial seven seas over a fifteen hour non stop flight from New Delhi. She was in America. The past two weeks had been a whirlwind. She had met Ravi on 20th...
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Its a Small World
Tweet You stupid FOB. Who the hell asked you to come to this country? You dumbasses from India take away from all the hard work we put into getting accepted in this country. You stink. Your India stinks. Akhil kept listening as AJ lashed out at his Indianness. AJ was Indian. Kind of. His...
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Tweet Akhil was two months old in America. He was a FOB (Fresh Off the Boat). Even though he flew in from NewDelhi. No Boat involved. All Indians around him, even the ones who had been in the US for years were FOBs. They would remain so till, well, forever. Along the way, they...
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Take It Easy
Tweet Akhil was confused. He had just been told to take it easy by his fellow Teaching assistant Mike ‘Belly’ Smith, and was not too sure what it was supposed to mean. He had finished his weekly session teaching eighteen year old American kids how to save documents in word, as part of his...
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Going to America
Tweet Going to America. The song was set on an infinite loop in Rajiv’s mind, and had played out about ten thousand times in the last two days. He was after all, going to America. That though couldn’t happen till he finished packing. Which would be once his mom was done stuffing fifteen packs...
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Happy Holi!
Tweet The alarm went off at exactly 7:30, just like everyday. But it was a Saturday and there was no office today. Akhil slapped his heavy fist on the snooze button of his Chinese alarm clock he had bought from the dollar store last week. Damned alarm. Ten minutes later he woke up with...
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The Cab Ride
Tweet The phone rang…”Your cab’s here sir” “You’re 15 minutes early. Give me 5 minutes and I’ll be there.” Akhil was bristling with excitement. Three weeks. That was how long he was going to be gone. Home. After all of two years. Akhil was a young Indian living the American dream thousands of miles...
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