Tweet 1) Thou shalt write for personal satisfaction. Don’t expect to buy yachts writing books. Or even more than a few kilo onions. Who do you think you are? Jhumpa Lahiri? 2) Thy publisher is thy god. Sing songs praising them every day. Do it when you wake up. Sing when you eat lunch. Sing when...
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Author Archive
The 10 Commandments of Writers
Open Letter to the Prime Minister

Tweet Dear Sirjee, I have bad memory. Almost pathetic at times. Every year i end up getting confused whether the wife’s birthday is on 7th or 8th April. One day i’ll get beaten up, i tell you. I am now thinking of ordering discounted stock of Revital from Amazon. Salman ji has been doing...
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Open Letter to Shahrukh Khan

Tweet Dear Shahrukh, Two months ago, i was in your town for my book launch. In Mumbai for a couple of hectic days for the big event. We didn’t have time to go to any of the touristy destinations, but the missus insisted on one place we just had to see. Mannat. Your home....
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The Office

Tweet The year was 2008. We were a newly-married couple living in New York. The start of our happily-ever-after married life. I had been in the states a few years already. The missus was still relatively new to the country, and finding her feet in the new life. Those were exciting times when everything...
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Small States. Big Debate.

Tweet After the recent announcement of creation of the Telangana state, my first reaction was a sense of disappointment. ‘This is just a political stunt.’ ‘These people will break up the coutry for their petty gains.’ ‘Are we going back to the hundreds of princely states Sardar Patel and co. helped consolidate?’ And i...
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Bhaag Milkha Bhaag

The story of Milkha Singh is something people of my generation grew up reading, mostly in general knowledge books. My parent's generation actually witnessed his achievements, and the current generation perhaps never even heard of him. This movie recreates that legend, and how.
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From The Indian Parliament, With Love

Now that our Members of Parliament have got into the business of sending signed petitions to foreign leaders asking for denial of visas to Indian politicians, this can only lead to good things. While Narendra Modi ji might never be able to get that photo taken next to the Statue of Liberty while eating...
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Two Months Later

I have a book against my name. Who would have thought! Every random email or Facebook message i get from some unknown person saying that they loved the book spurs me on. Every comment from you guys saying that the book took you back to your days abroad or in college makes my day.
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Man of Steel Finally Gets His Underwear Right

A collection of my thoughts as i watched Man of Steel last night. Good thing is he finally learnt how to wear his underwear.
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Flashing Cameras and a Book Launch

An account of the Amreekandesi-Masters of America book launch in Mumbai on 29 June 2013. The book was released by actor, activist and former Miss India Gul Panag.
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Amreekandesi - Masters of America

Tweet Alright people, it’s here. IT IS HERE. ‘Amreekandesi - Masters of America‘ hits the stores in a week. The official release date is 6 May. Here is the cover. *Drumroll* It’s a dream coming true. I started writing the book in December 2010, but made real progress only in 2012, when it went...
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Open Letter to Rahul Gandhi

Tweet Dear Rahul ji, Boss, you’ve done it. You’ve shown India that there was a reason the world didn’t end last year as predicted by the Mayans - because we had to see your magic before the world meets its maker. I have to tell you a story first. My maid came to me yesterday...
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Open Letter to Justice Katju

Tweet Dear Katju sir, Every generation has a rockstar. Our parents had Rajesh Khanna. Our grandparents had Bhagat Singh. Today’s kids have weird Japanese cartoon characters. But my generation, the one of gruelling IIT coaching and campus placements, might have just found its very own hero. You. Your highness. Your awesomeness. Your amazingness. Look at...
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The Many Benefits of a Harsh Winter

Tweet This winter I have spent a lot of my free time sitting in front of the computer thinking of writing, but just haven’t been able to take my hands out of my pockets. It’s been so damn...
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Open Letter to the Mayan People

Tweet Dear Mayan people, The world did not end. Thank you for nothing. Actually, thank you for giving us the biggest disappointment since Tushar Kapoor. I mean, what the hell? Do you know the damage your miscalculation has caused us humans? The world will end. The world will end. The world will end. Been hearing this...
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